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 What should you avoid after your nose job?

The Sun

According to many cosmetic surgeons, the worst thing you can do is venture out into the sun after your nose job. For those who are in recovery from a recent rhinoplasty or septoplasty, you should avoid sun exposure for at least three months but, to be safe, go for six months. If you become exposed to sunlight or have a sunny event coming up, be sure to wear strong sunscreen and (again for extra safety) a hat.

Why should you avoid the sun?

Our research shows that the skin on the nose is weakened during traditional asian nose Think of it as recently sun burnt skin – you wouldn’t expose it to more sunlight would you? The correct answer is no, you’d only damage the skin further. Protecting your skin from sunlight will result in youthful looking skin (which is what we all want)

Damaging sun exposure after a nose job can lead to hyper-pigmentation. To put it simply, you will start to see “spots” where the skin has become permanently darkened, much like freckles.

Summer can be an optimal time to book a nose job – it is vacation season after all! However, we here at nose secret urge you to consider other wise. Put your nose job off for the gloomier months and try Nose Secret today! You may find that it works better for you than an actual nose job. (won’t know til you try ;] )
